Vita Golod
Junior Fellow, Ph. D. in economics
Main research interests:
- Chinese diplomacy and conflict resolution
- Inter-ethnic relations in Contemporary China
- Economic Development of the Western China
PhD thesis:
“Particularities of monetary regulation in the countries of Asia-Pacific region”, 2010, Institute of World Economy and International relations of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. in economics.
List of main publications:
- Golod V. (2003). “Ekonomichna intehratsiya ta vzayemodiya natsional’noyi ekonomiky KNR z krayinamy ASEAN” [Economic integration and interaction of the national economy of the People’s Republic of China with ASEAN countries], Skhidnyy svit, №2, pp. 49-54. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2005). “Prychyny ta naslidky reval’vatsiyi yuanyu” [Causes and consequences of the revaluation of the yuan] // Chinese civilization: tradition and modernity: a collection of articles. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine. pp. 6-11. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2006). “Tayvan’ na svitoviy areni: chlenstvo u SOT ta perspektyvy vstupu do inshykh mizhnarodnykh orhanizatsiy” [Taiwan on the world stage: membership in the WTO and prospects for joining other international organizations] // European integration processes and cross-border cooperation: III International scientific-practical conference of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. Lutsk: Vezha, pp. 195-197. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2007). “Hlobal’ni tendentsiyi ekonomichnoho rozvytku Tayvanyu” [Global trends of economic development of Taiwan] // Anti-crisis monetary and financial strategies of economic growth of Taiwan: materials of the Scientific and Theoretical Conference at the Institute of World Economy and International relations, NAS of Ukraine. pp. 55-61. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2007). “Ekonomichne spivrobitnytstvo Tayvanyu z Kytayem. Problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku pry-kordonnoho spivrobitnytstva” [Economic cooperation between Taiwan and China. Problems and prospects of the development of border cooperation] // Problems of the development of the border territories and their participation in integration processes: IV International scientific-practical conference of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. Lutsk: Vezha. 330-333. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2007). “Investytsiyna polityka Tayvanyu v period hlobalizatsiyi” [Investment policy of China in the globalization period]// Chinese Civilization: Tradition and Modernity: a collection of articles. A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine. pp. 15-21. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2008). “Kapitalizatsiya ekonomiky Pivdennoyi Koreyi” [Capitalization of the economy of South Korea] // World processes of capitalization: economic, political, social aspects: materials of the Scientific and Theoretical Conference at the Institute of World Economy and International relations, NAS of Ukraine. pp. 162 -165. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2008). “Valyutno-finansovi vidnosyny Tayvanyu ta KNR na suchasnomu etapi rozvytku” [Monetary relations between Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China at the current stage of development] // Ekonomichnyy prostir: collection of scientific papers. Dnipropetrivsk. PDABA. №15. pp. 41-51 (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2008). “Investytsiyna polityka Tayvanyu” [Taiwan’s investment policy] // Actual problems of the economy: scientific and economic journal. Atopol. №9 (87). pp.18-25. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2008). “Kytay ta Ukrayina: perspektyvy rozvytku torhovel’no-ekonomichnykh vidnosyn pislya vstupu Ukrayiny do SOT” [China and Ukraine: prospects for the trade and economic relations development after Ukraine’s accession to the WTO] // Ukraine-China. Dialogue and mutual enrichment of cultures: materials of the Scientific and Theoretical Conference. The National Academy of Culture and Arts Management. pp.43-46. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2008). “Monetarna polityka Sinhapuru yak osnova stabil’nosti rehionu” [Singapore’s monetary policy as the basis of regional stability] // Ekonomichnyy prostir: collection of scientific papers. — The Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. №16. pp. 68-80. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2008). “Osoblyvosti valyutno-finansovoho rehulyuvannya v krayinakh Aziys’ko-Tykhookeans’koho rehionu” [Peculiarities of monetary and financial regulation in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region] // Collection of scientific papers. Institute of World Economy and International relations of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. №56. pp. 234-245. (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2009). “Problemy valyutno-finansovoyi systemy Honkonhu” [Hong Kong monetary policy rising challenges] // Actual problems of the economy: scientific and economic journal. №1 (91). pp.43-49. (in Ukrainian).
- V. (2011). “Rol’ ta znachennya KNR u svitovomu pererozpodili bavovny v period hlobalizatsiyi” [The role and importance of the People’s Republic of China in the global distribution of cotton in the period of globalization] // Chinese studies. A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine. Volume 1. pp. 4-7. Access (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2012). “Kytays’ka investytsiyna ekspansiya: perspektyvy rozvytku vidnosyn z Ukrayinoyu” [Chinese investment expansion: relations with Ukraine development prospect] // Chinese studies. A. Yu. Krymskyi Instritute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine. Volume 2. pp. 38-44. Access (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2014). “Osoblyvosti ekonomichnykh vidnosyn KNR ta SShA. plan rozvytku 2022 – 2012 rr.: vyklyk hlobal’niy ekonomitsi” [Peculiarities of economic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United States. 2012 – 2022 development plan: a challenge for the global economy ]// Chinese studies. A. Yu. Krymskyi Instritute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine. № 1. pp. 31-33. Access (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2015). “Mizhnarodni finansovi orhanizatsiyi: vplyv na hlobal’nyy ta rehional’nyy rozvytok” [International financial organizations: impact on global and regional development] // Chinese studies. A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine. pp. 19-24. Access (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2018). “Mizhnarodna mihratsiya: vplyv kytays’koyi kvalifikovanoyi robochoyi syly na dynamiku mihratsiynykh protsesiv” [International Migration: The Impact of Chinese skilled labor forces on dynamics of migration processes] // Chinese studies. A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine. pp. 17-22. Access (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2022). “Stratehiya rozvytku kytays’koyi farmatsevtychnoyi haluzi: perspektyvy dlya Ukrayiny” [Chinese Pharmaceutical market development strategy: Ukrainian prospects] // Chinese Studies. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine. №2. pp. 66-78. Access (in Ukrainian).
- Golod V. (2022). “China’s Northwest economic importance for stability in Central Asia” // Chinese studies. A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine. №3. pp.96–104. Access (in English).
- Golod V. (2022). “Chinese Nationalism and Muslim Identity in China in the Xi Jinping era” // Thesis to the XXV scientific conference “A. Krymsky Readings in Oriental Studies”. November 10. pp. 110-114. Access (in English).
- Golod V. (2022). “The role of the Chinese Islamic Association in Contemporary China” // Thesis to the XVI scientific conference “Chinese civilization: traditions and modernity”. 2022. pp. 98-100. Access (in English).
- Golod V. (2023). “Muslim Identity in Contemporary China Through the Lens of Chinese Nationalism” // Cultural and Religious Studies. Volume 11, Number 2, February 2023 (Serial Number 99). pp. 91-98. Access (in English).
- Golod V. (2023). “Uyghur issue” From The Kazakhstan Perspective” // Cultural and Religious Studies, September 2023, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 429-443 Access (in English).
- Golod V. (2023) Sinicization of Islam through the historical evolution // Chinese studies. 2023, №2, pp. 32-41. Access (in English).
- Golod V. (2023). “The civilizing project by China state: Xinjiang case” // Thesis to the ХХVI scientific conference “A. Krymskyi Readings in Oriental Studies”. November 30. pp. 159-162. Access (in English).
- Golod V. (2023). “XUAR development landscape in the contemporary China” // Thesis to the XVII scientific conference “Chinese civilization: traditions and modernity”. pp. 239-242. Access (in English).
- Golod V. (2024). “Observing the Uyghur Identity through Kashgar” //Thesis to the ХХVII A. Krymskyi memorial conference on oriental studies. Access (in English).
Golod V. (2024) “ETHNIC SURVIVAL STRATEGIES OF KOREAN CHINESE IN JUNE HEE KWON’S BORDERLAND DREAMS” // Thesis to the XVIII scientific conference “Chinese civilization: traditions and modernity.” pp. 31-34. Access (in English)
- “China’s foreign policy strategies in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war” – Monograph initiated by A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine as a three-year project “The Russo-Ukrainian War and New Security Realities in Asian Countries and Regions”.
- Uyghur Identity in the Era of Chinese Nationalism: Conflict and Peace – Monograph (book) –initiated by A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine as a three-year project “Islam and Muslims in the system of state-confessional relations (XX-early XXI centuries): politics, ideology, identity.”
- Tracing the Path of Sino-Ukrainian Relations Post-Soviet Era to the Russo-Ukrainian war – Monograph co-authored with Olga Drobotiuk (submitted to the Journal of Contemporary China in April 2024).
- Golod V. Yefremov D. (2022). “Chomu Kytay ne bude ryatuvaty ekonomiku Rosiyi” [Why China will not save the economy of Russia]. Levyy Bereg weekly, March 8. (in Ukrainian). Access
- Golod V. Cowal O. (2022). “Ukrayins’ka informatsiyna oborona v Kytayi” [Ukrainian information defense in China]. Levyy Bereg weekly, April 06. (in Ukrainian). Access
- Golod V. (2022). “Rosiys’ka pastka dlya Pidnebesnoyi: metamorfozy ofitsiynoyi pozytsiyi Pekinu shchodo podiy v Ukrayini” [The Russian trap for China: the metamorphosis of Beijing’s official position on the events in Ukraine]. Levyy Bereg weekly, (in Ukrainian). Access
- Golod V. (2022). “Pohlyad na maybutnye ukrayins’ko-kytays’kykh vidnosyny u korotkostrokoviy perspektyvi” [A look at Ukraine-China relations prospects in the short term]. Levyy Bereg weekly, (in Ukrainian). Access
- Golod V. (2023). “Kytays’ka spetsyfika u vrehulyuvanni rosiys’ko-ukrayns’koho konfliktu” [Chinese specificity in the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict]. Ukrainian Association of Sinologists’ website. (in Ukrainian). Access
- «Allo, tse Si Tszin’pin!» [Hello, it’s Xi Jinping!”], Glavcom, April 28, 2023. Access
- Golod V. Burtsev D. (2023). “Napruzhenist’ dovkola Tayvanyu: chy ye zahroza novoyi viyny?” [Tensions around Taiwan: is there a threat of a new war?] Ukrinform, (in Ukrainian). Access
- Golod V. (2023). Dezhavyu po-kytays’ky: yak u KNR reahuyut’ na viynu v Izrayili [Deja vu in Chinese: how the PRC is reacting to the war in Israel], the Page. October 14, 2023. Access
- Golod V. (2023). Telling Ukraine’s Story of the Russian Invasion, The China Media Project, August 21. Access
- “Vita Golod – chairwoman of the Ukrainian Association of Sinologists”, Table. China, October, 2023. Access
- Golod V. (2023). Why does Zelenskyy accept China’s ‘neutrality’? The China project, November, 2023. Access
- Golod V. (2024). Is China Sincere About Peace in Ukraine? Foreign Policy, January 2024. Access
- Golod V. (2024). Zakhidni sanktsii yak instrument strymuvannia kytaisko-rosiiskoho zblyzhennia [Western sanctions as a tool to deter Sino-Russian rapprochement], The Page. February 12, 2024 Access
- Golod V. (2024). Ukraine still has a window to boost common ground with China, SCMP. May 28, 2024. Access
- Repnikova M., Medeiros E., Bērziņa-Čerenkova, U.A., Golod V. (2024) The Future According to Xi and Putin, China File, May 28, 2024. Access
- Golod V. (2024) Chinese, Ukrainian ministers meet days after Zelensky slams Beijing over Russia relations, SCMP, June 6, 2024. Access
- Golod V. (2024). 澤連斯基對華表態變 烏專家:華厚俄薄烏原文網址: [Zelensky’s stance on China changes to Ukraine. Expert: Hua is thick but Ukraine is thin], Ming Pao, June 15, 2024. Access
Golod V. (2024) “Which model for peace in Ukraine will win out?” SCMP, December 05, 2024. Access (in English)