Preislamic Near East: History, Religion, Culture.
Ed. by M. Tarasenko. Kyiv: A.Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, Vol. 2., 2021. 188 p. ISBN 978-966-02-9674-9, ISBN 978-966-02-9675-6 (Vol 2)
The collection of articles is based on the materials of the International Scientific Round Table Preislamic Near East: History, Religion, Culture
(Kyiv, December 10, 2020), which was organized by the A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The collection includes articles on the problems of history, religion, culture, worldview, archeology, source studies and reception of the civilizations of the Ancient Near East. The publication is designed for specialists in oriental studies, historians, researchers in religion and culture studies, archaeologists, students and graduate students of the humanities and anyone interested in the history of the Ancient World.